Prairie Architects Inc.
101-139 Market Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 0P5
t. 204.956.0938
f. 204.943.5597
Prairie Architects Inc., founded in 1981, brings over 40 years of professional experience in Sustainable Architecture in a diversity of projects and has offices in a heritage warehouse in downtown Winnipeg. The firm is owned and operated by Principals Damien Fenez, Melissa McAlister, Lindsay Oster, and Jamie Kozak. Our staff includes registered Architects, Architecture graduates, designers, sustainability specialists, Interior Designers, plus support staff. We are registered to practice in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Ontario. We have developed a reputation for a participatory design process that involves client groups in the design of new buildings, historic restoration projects, projects with Indigenous communities, and in energy conserving green buildings. The firm has a long history with green buildings and incorporates a sustainable approach in all of its projects. Prairie Architects Inc. approaches each new design with sensitivity to the context and the history of the particular situation, and with an awareness of the possibilities of new functions, materials, and construction techniques. We strive for buildings with character, texture, and light to reflect the realities of life and to create environments with wholeness and delight.
The firm has been honoured with a variety of awards and distinctions for green building design, accessibility, and heritage restoration.
Manitoba Masonry Design Award - Institutional Design Award for Fort Richmond Collegiate Addition/Renovation
Green Building Excellence - New Construction Award for Building Blocks on Balmoral at Great-West Life from the Manitoba Chapter of the Canadian Green Building Council recognizing Prairie Architects Inc.’s contributions towards the CaGBC’s mission and goals of accelerating green buildings in Canada.
Manitoba Excellence in Sustainability from the Province of Manitoba for action on climate change, air quality and energy efficiency awarded to Prairie Architects for Building Blocks on Balmoral at Great-West Life.
CaGBC Green Building Excellence – Tenant Improvement Award presented to the team responsible for an outstanding interior space that embraces the philosophy that high-performing green spaces; create healthy, productive places to work; are less costly to operate and maintain; and have a reduced environmental footprint. This award focuses on the overall positive impact on the occupants' wellness. Awarded to Prairie Architects Inc. for their office renovation.
Canadian Green Building Award - Institutional [Small] Award from SABMag awarded to Prairie Architects Inc. for the Building Blocks on Balmoral at Great West Life.
Commerce Design Winnipeg from Storefront Manitoba awarded to Little Brown Jug owner Kevin Selch, and building owner Brian Scharfstein in conjunction with Interior Designers Design Shop Inc. and Architects Prairie Architects Inc.
Manitoba Excellence in Sustainability from the Province of Manitoba Innovation for Sustainability awarded jointly to Prairie Architects and Seven Oaks School Division to recognize the Amber Trails Community School.
Project of the Year Nominee from Project Management Manitoba Chapter
Westgate Collegiate Renovation nominated for Project of the year, see the nomination video here!
Award of Merit from the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies Manitoba (ACEC) to Great West Life Building Blocks on Balmoral Childcare Facility awarded the Award of Merit for Building Engineering to KGS Group and Prairie Architects Inc.
Conservation Awards of Excellence from Heritage Winnipeg for the conversion of the former William E. Milner House at 51 Balmoral Ave. to the Building Blocks on Balmoral at Great-West Life YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg, awarded jointly to Great-West Life Assurance Company and Prairie Architects Inc.
Excellence in Green Building (New Construction) from the CaGBC awarded for the Amber Trails Community School as the first Excellence in Green Building from the Canadian Green Building Council.
Canadian Green Building Award - Institutional [Large] Award from SABMag awarded for Amber Trails Community School in recognition of excellence in the design and execution of Canadian buildings, houses and interiors based on the criteria of sustainable design, architectural merit and technical innovation.
RAIC Fellowship Awarded to Dudley Thompson from the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. The College of Fellows of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) bestows Fellowship in recognition of outstanding achievement. Criteria include design excellence, exceptional scholarly contribution, or distinguished service to the profession or the community.
ASHRAE Regional Technology Award First Place New Educational Facilities, Northlands Parkway Collegiate
Lifetime Achievement Award Awarded to Dudley Thompson from the Canada Green Building Council, Manitoba Chapter, for his visionary leadership, and his outstanding personal and professional commitment to advancing sustainable building practices in Manitoba.
Cornerstone Award for Building Heritage for Paterson GlobalFoods Institute from Heritage Canada Foundation. Awarded for the conservation of the former Union Bank Tower.
Heritage Winnipeg Conservation Award for Paterson GlobalFoods Institute from Heritage Winnipeg awarded for the conservation of the former Union Bank Tower.
Manitoba Excellence in Sustainability from the Province of Manitoba to Prairie Architects Inc. awarded for Action on Climate Change, Air Quality, and Energy Efficiency achieved in all Prairie Projects
Preservation Award for Excellence for Kelly House from Heritage Winnipeg awarded for the complete preservation of the exterior and select interior elements.
Winnipeg Accessibility Award Honorable Mention to Dudley Thompson from the City of Winnipeg Access Advisory Committee celebrating the spirit of Universal Design.
Winnipeg Accessibility Award for U of W Student and Community Housing from the City of Winnipeg Access Advisory Committee, celebrating the spirit of Universal Design
National Green Buildings Award for Manitoba Hydro Place for Excellence in Design and Execution.
National Urban Design Award for Manitoba Hydro Place from the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada, awarded to projects that have contributed to the quality of life and sustainability in Canadian cities.
COTE Award for Manitoba Hydro Place from the Committee on the Environment (COTE) as one of the Top 10 example of Sustainable Architecture and Green Design Solutions
Manitoba Excellence in Sustainability for Manitoba Hydro Place from the Province of Manitoba. Award for Research and Innovation for Sustainability
Housing Awards for Best Practices in Affordable Housing for Flora Place Housing from the CMHC as a recognition of their contribution in improving affordable housing in Canada
Canadian Building Incentive Program Award for Mishkeegogamang School from Natural Resources Canada’s Commercial Building Incentive Program in recognition of an energy efficient building aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
US Green Building Council LEED™ Gold Certification of Mountain Equipment Co-op Retail Facilities from the US Green Building Council as the first LEED certified building in Manitoba.
Award of Excellence for Sustainability of Mountain Equipment Co-op Retail Facilities from the International Downtown Association in Denver.
National Post Award of Excellence Silver Award for Sustainable Buildings for Mountain Equipment Co-op Retail Facilities, Winnipeg from the National Post/Design Centre, Toronto.
Pollution Prevention Award of Excellence for Mountain Equipment Co-op Retail Facilities, from the Council of Canadian Ministers of Environment
RAIC Award of Excellence Innovation In Architecture for the Mountain Equipment Co-op Retail Facilities
Award of Excellence - Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency for Mountain Equipment Co-op Retail Facilities, from the Natural Resources Canada’s Office Energy Efficiency for outstanding commitment to improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.
Award of Excellence Manitoba Roundtable on Sustainable Development for Mountain Equipment Co-op Retail Facilities, from the Province of Manitoba for the redevelopment of Mountain Equipment Co-op into one of the world’s most sustainable retail buildings.
Award of Merit Thompson Residence, Scotia Avenue, Winnipeg from the Canadian Wood Council for the design of a new wood frame residence.
Prague Biennial Exhibition Exhibitor for CanWest Global Performing Arts Centre by External Affairs Canada was an exhibition of 15 examples of contemporary Canadian theatre design for exhibition in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Preservation Award of Excellence for Manitoba Television Network (A Channel), from Heritage Winnipeg for the innovative re-use of the historic C.N.R. Steam Plant and conversion to television studios.
Preservation Award of ExcellenceProject: Crossways-in-Common, from Heritage Winnipeg for the retention and restoration of the historic tower to the original Young United Church.
Competition Winner Ashdown Hardware Building Redevelopment, from the City of Winnipeg, Civic Buildings Department for the redevelopment of the historic building and conversion to a centre for Arts Organizations.
Preservation Award of Excellence for the Granite Curling Club, Winnipeg from Heritage Winnipeg for the restoration of the exterior of the historic clubhouse.
Preservation Award of Excellence for the McKenzie Block/ Bannatyne Building, from Heritage Winnipeg for the restoration and redevelopment of the abandoned warehouse to commercial offices.
Competition Winner for Market Park Redevelopment Project from the City of Winnipeg, Civic Buildings Department for the redevelopment of a downtown block for a multi-use project including 6 heritage buildings.
Certificate of Excellence for the McKenzie Block/ Bannatyne Building, from the Winnipeg Exchange District, Business Improvement Zone for the restoration and redevelopment of the abandoned warehouse to commercial offices.
Achievement Award for the Grey Nun’s Convent / St. Boniface Museum Restoration, from Heritage Canada for the restoration of the historic residence and redevelopment improvements to the museum.
Preservation Award of Excellence for the Grey Nun’s Convent / St. Boniface Museum Restoration, from Heritage Winnipeg for the restoration of the historic residence and redevelopment improvements to the museum.
Award Of Distinction for the Manitoba Hydro Customer Service Building, Steinbach from Manitoba Hydro for outstanding achievement in energy efficient design and construction.
Preservation Award of Excellence for the McCormick's Warehouse Conversion, from Heritage Winnipeg for the restoration of the historic manufacturing warehouse and conversion into housing.
First Prize for the Pantages Playhouse Theatre Design Competition, a province wide open competition for architects to design an addition to the historic theatre from the City of Winnipeg, Department of Civic Properties.
Preservation Award of Excellence for the Bank of Hamilton Building, from Heritage Winnipeg for the restoration of the historic Bank Building.
Award of Merit for the Roseau Children's Centre, in Dominion City, Manitoba from the Department of Public Works, Ottawa as one of five $5,000 national prizes in the Low Energy Building Design Awards Competition.